Christina Patterson is a Bible teacher, author and speaker passionate about empowering women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word. Christina holds a Master’s degree in Theological Studies from Liberty University and is the founder of Beloved Women, a non-profit providing resources and community for women to truly know who they are in Christ: His Beloved. She is also the author of several books, Bible studies, and the creator of the LIFE Bible Journal that helps believers to intentionally study the Bible and apply God’s Word to their everyday lives.
“When I left my job at the U.S. Department of State as a Grant Specialist for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to stay home with my daughter, I felt the Lord calling me to spend more time in His Word. As I did, I wrote short devotionals and shared them on my blog, Beloved Women. I had three faithful readers; my husband, my mom, and my best friend Shade. Over the years those short devotionals grew into podcast Bible studies and then to video Bible Study series. Now, Beloved reaches thousands of women worldwide, and my mission is still the same: to help women grow their faith by teaching God’s Word.” – Christina Patterson